Lavender Epsom Salt

Spruce up your bath time with a little something extra special! Try adding this Lavender Epsom Salt to your bath water!

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Step 1:

Fill up your jar that you plan to store the Epsom salt in. This way, you’ll know exactly how much to make.

Step 2:

Pour the Epsom salt into a large mixing bowl.

Step 3:

Either add the food coloring directly to the Epsom salt (if it’s the right purple color) or pre-mix about 12 drops of each color in a separate little dish and then add it to your bowl with the Epsom salt.

Step 4:

While wearing gloves, mix the Epsom salt and food coloring together until it’s fully combined.

For whatever reason, mine came out green instead of purple! Couldn’t tell you why!

EDIT: It turns a beautiful lavender color in the bathtub water! 🙂

Step 5:

Add about 12 drops of lavender essential oil to your Epsom salt and mix again with your hand wearing gloves until it’s well combined.

Step 6:

Add the mixture of Epsom salt back to your jar so you can use it for your next bath time!

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