Hibiscus Berry Kombucha Recipe

All the deliciousness with all the health benefits!


  • Distilled Water (60 oz)
  • 4 Passion Tea Bags (Hibiscus)
  • 1 Cup White Sugar
  • ½ Cup Starter Tea or Distilled White Vinegar
  • SCOBY 


  • Quart Size Glass Jar (I used a cleaned out pickle jar)
  • Pot to boil water
  • Paper towel or breathable material
  • Rubber band
  • Wooden spoon

Step 1:

Bring the distilled water to a boil on the stove. Remove from heat. Pour water into the glass jar.

Step 2:

Add the sugar to the water and stir until completely dissolved.


Step 3:

Add tea bags to the water and sugar mixture and steep the tea for 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags and wait until the mixture is mostly cooled.


Step 4:

Once the mixture is mostly cooled, add the starter tea or distilled white vinegar and the SCOBY.


Step 5:

Cover the opening of the jar with your breathable material. I used a paper towel. Secure with a rubber band.


Step 6:

Place the jar in a dark, but warm place for 7-30 days depending on how you like your kombucha. I usually brew mine for about 10 days.

Step 7:

Strain out the SCOBY pieces and refrigerate in glass jars to pause the fermentation process. Enjoy! 

OR To make the kombucha fizzy: strain and pour into airtight containers leaving enough space to add in 1/2 Cup 100% organic fruit juice or fresh/frozen fruit to the mixture and set out for another 3-5 days. This process is called second fermentation and it makes the kombucha fizzy. After it’s done, strain once more and refrigerate. NOTE: you may need to “burp” your bottles to let the compressed air out so your bottles don’t explode.


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