Half Square Triangles

Half Square Triangles: 4 at a time and Magic 8

Use these techniques to sew some half square triangles for your next quilting or sewing project! They are so quick and fun to make — it’s magic!! This is also a great way to use up your left over fabric and bust that stash!

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Materials needed to make half square triangles

Step 1:

Cut several 10” x 10” squares out of your fabric of choice. I like to use my self healing mat with my rotary cutter to get accurate and quick cuts.

Straight Edge Cutting Fabric

Step 2:

Iron any wrinkles out of the fabric and square up the fabric better if necessary.

Ironing Fabric  Ironed Fabric Square

Step 3:

Place two of your 10” x 10” fabric pieces right sides together and place four pins to hold in place.

Pins holding fabric together

Step 4:

Draw a line diagonally from one end to the other. Turn and draw one more diagonal line so they make a X in the middle of the fabric. (This part isn’t necessary for four at a time technique)

Quilters Pencil   Lines Drawn

Step 5: Sewing

Four at a time: Sew a ¼” seam all the way around the edges of the two fabric pieces to sew them completely together.

Sewing edge   Sewing around edges

Magic 8: Sew a ¼” seam on each side of your lines in both diagonal directions. You’ll end up with 4 lines total.

Sewing machine eight  four seams

four lines sewn

Step 6: Cutting

Four at a time: Place your straight edge diagonally from one end of the other. Cut, turn and repeat in the other diagonal direction.

Diagonal cut  Two diagonal cuts

Magic 8: Place your straight edge diagonally from one end to the other. Cut, turn and repeat in the other diagonal direction being careful not to move your pieces after you cut them. Place the straight edge in the middle. Cut, repeat in the other direction to cut in the middle. You should have made a total of 4 cuts.

two cuts  four cuts magic 8

eight pieces

Step 7:

Open each triangle and iron the seams open. Set aside for your project! MAGIC!! 

Four at a time half square triangles  Magic 8 Half Square Triangles

Ironing magic eight

Pinterest Graphic

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