Slip Away Cowl: Pattern Review and Reveal

I have been wanted to step outside of my knitting comfort zone for awhile. I wanted to explore different artists for patterns and for yarn! This pattern was the perfect one to try both out on.  

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The Pattern:  

I have been wanting to try a pattern by Kay for some time now. I am just realizing though that I am not that interested in knitting socks. I have tried them in the past – heck, I currently have a sock WIP right now that I barely work on. So, since I’m not super into knitting socks, I decided to try a different pattern by Kay.  

The Slip Away Cowl was calling my name because of its fun design. I love the chevron stripes! I loved how the two colors played together. It looked easy enough, but like it might also be a little bit of a challenge since I have 1) never knit a cowl and 2) haven’t done much colorwork patterns.  

To my surprise, this pattern is mosaic knitting. This is a new to me technique that I learned when I knit my Night Shift Shawl by Andrea Mowry. It makes it look like it’s colorwork, but really, it’s much simpler. You are just knitting with one color at a time and slipping the others – hence the name – Slip Away Cowl!  

This is a fairly quick knit. Granted, I had a lot of time to knit it this past week, it only took me 7 days from cast on to cast off and I didn’t knit it every single one of those 7 days.  

Overall, I thought the pattern was well written and easy to follow. I didn’t really run into any issues while working on it. The only thing is that you do need to pay attention to the pattern and which row you’re on. I did make one mistake (or feature), but I don’t think it’s terribly noticeable – mostly because I consistently made the mistake on the entire row. The pattern was easier to follow though the second and third repeat because you now have a grasp on what you’re doing.  

The Yarn:  

I purchased these amazing yarns from a friend of mine, Fuzzy What Knots, when she launched her website in January. I just thought they were beautiful individually and I also thought they would be beautiful together.  

The yarn is 75% superwash merino and 25% nylon. There is 415 yards to the 100 grams of yarn. It’s also a nice 3-ply yarn which is three individual strands of yarn twisted together.  

The yarn is so squishy and fun to work with. I loved the simplicity of the Grey Stone with the fun pops of color with the Rainbow Bryte Lights. Every time the colored portion would land perfectly on my needle, I would get so excited! It was like a fun little challenge for me while knitting.  

The pattern only used about 80 grams total between the two colors – so I will have enough to make another one in the reverse colors if I want to (which I might)!  

The Reveal:  

This is still unblocked – which I think it needs to be a little bit looser fitting. I am not currently able to block it, so that part will have to wait, but here it is!  

2 thoughts on “Slip Away Cowl: Pattern Review and Reveal

  1. Michaeli I love how this turned out! Thank you for your kind words about my yarn and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I may need to try this pattern out now!

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