Grow a Spider Plant From a Cutting

Spider plants make great inexpensive gifts and there’s something special about getting a plant from someone who took the time to grow it and plant it for you!


  • Plant cutting “baby”
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Pot to plant in
  • Soil

Step 1:
Take a “baby” off of the spider plant.

Step 2:

Place the bottom of the “baby” into a cup of water and place in direct sunlight for 1-2 weeks. (Note: Time may vary depending on how long you want the roots to grow before you plant it)

Step 3:

Once the roots have grown out of the bottom, you’re ready to plant them.

Step 4:

Fill a small pot with moist soil and make a hole in the center. Place the plant roots down into the center of the pot and push the soil on the sides to cover the roots. Add additional soil as needed. Water and place in a sunny location.

Step 5:

Water once a week or so depending on how much light it is getting.

Watch it grow babies of its own!


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